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Chen Shuo's sneer becomes big to smile and said after smiling several voices:"Can't, boy, and then think what does the flower recruit to put me together?The business of a doomed request I no longer do again."
"Three uncles, I can swear to the God, this time cooperation is harmful and bootless to the eagle in sky."I tee off another card, " in addition to other reason, I still want to compensate to owe your debt of eagle in the sky at 1:00."
"Ha, you doesn't this kind of chase human life to be to return to the person of matter to also know to repay loan?"Chen Shuo to the impression of souths area that war too deep, certainly also have many prejudices to me, " however listen to have no bad place, say, cooperation what?"
"The cooperation deals with to return in triumph!"
Chen Shuo Yi Leng, then ask a way:"Did you speak amiss?Is a cooperation or help?"
"Cooperate!"I use to affirm tone to say.
Chen Shuo doesn't talk, not know is just thinking what.
"So, three uncles, we seek a place to discuss well, location literally you settle!"End, I say with smile, " is three uncles, were you to early want to see me?"
"Is all right!Waiting will notify you, as long as you aren't afraid me to revenge to you."Chen Shuo serious play trick of say, then tight tight voice, again way:"To, what you said is quite good, I certainly early want that seeing you is long what appearance, in my in a dream, chases knife Tong into your body each time, all of your appearances are so of faintness, now can very good-looking clear!"
Because the cellular phone lets go of, leaf's vapor trail, Fu orchid and Su wild wolf in Sha-ho almost as one man asks a way:"How?Did Chen Shuo agree?"
I order.
"But how can you make them come to the location of choosing the negotiation?"Get this answer, Fu orchid again anxiety ground say, " so we completely lost active power."
"It doesn't matter!"I the handle knob machine put on the marble office desk of Fu orchid and say, " probably last night a fought the biggest result to would be remaining big wave of rising.Like this and probably give for a sky, the eagle results in certain psychological stress, have a help to us.Still have, I just didn't speak my true identity, so even if Chen Shuo cares me again, also isn't likely to eject to the appearance like that of king who deal with the wildcat.We ……at least you, will have opportunity to flee for life."
"Ha ha, that we hereafter be not scolded to die in the top by Zhao Xin Ren just strange!"Su three say with smile, " cat king, if you die over there, I think(Su three saw everyone's one eye) ……there is no a personal meeting woulding like to be on the hoof come out."
"O.K. ……hear after the news of remaining big wave, I even had the confidence to necessarily win.I believe on this kind of important juncture, there is no anyone would like to enough big wave the person like this hides in the dark place to wait for an opportunity vengeance!"I flicked to wave hand, the confidence was hundred percent, wait a telephone.
Unexpectedly Chen Shuo chooses of the place is unexpectedly "sense of honor way", this makes me lose chastity and lets the Fu orchid meet the place of sting.The street gold of its place although the street belongs to for a sky, the site of eagle, but leave headquarters place to fly street more far, is to belong to a ground that Long She mixs head, ever since that time the frenzy will be beaten can not turn over after death, this street most had the host of real strenght to on the contrary become a great commander soldier.
Does he basically don't think toward the Tai space, is also my revenge Chen Shuo is really to play trick?He really and so believes the words said by me, connect at 1:00 take precautions against all have no?If does he know that I am the queen of wildcat, will can't pretty much regret?
At arrange very necessary the whole after, I am keeping in mind the mood like this sits on the sense of honor way tallestly and 9 F, had better sit on the Fu orchid inside a pack them to in the center(leaf's vapor trail certainly didn't) wait Chen Shuo's arrival.Although for result I have already had eight to divide of confidence, Chen Shuo this arranges and on the contrary let I the heart discomfort get up, "I go to for a while bathroom."My station is started, and Su three also follow to start and keep me company.
But at this time, pack of the front door was pushed by the waiter all of a sudden to open, head chooses to print into an eyelid of would be "poison hand King of Hell" Chen Shuo that Li exert a vicissitudes of life, wise and farsighted old face,www.beats4monster.co.uk.Now he all of a faces are desires, a come in and then opened widely eyes.Certainly uprising of I and Su three the most arrestive, be then seen by them all of a sudden.
"You ……are you a Tai space?"Chen Shuo followed to sweep one eye at sit of person, all of detections are the core members of great commanders soldier, lunch box however toward unfamiliar of I ask a way.
I smile to order a way:"Three uncles, how?I not elephant?"
Chen Shuo Yi pair eyes keep staring at I, the well organized ground sits at chair, but have four big fellows to stand at his behind, also have a person but on making a sound ground to slip away a farthest corner to sit down, pendency head, imitating the Buddha has to go to bed similar.
Also have in Chen Shuo's in front this is 30 years old don't arrive of the seat of eagle brothers in the sky?As this is undoubtedly making me very interested in this person, but isn't an inquiry now, I continue way:"My appearance not elephant, but the voice is always not wrong?"
All of these are the useless talks, but usually the useless talk can also mollify nervous emotion of both parties.However who know a words that follow close behind down Chen Shuo's say make me surprised to must almost sit to pour in the ground.
"The voice has no wrong, I know that you would be that day toward the Tai space that I loot, the fiance of Fu eldest brother."Chen Shuo had no on desire of face after seeing me, replaced of but is mysterious, " however, is the Tai space also the king of wildcat?"
The vision of the craftiness is twinkling, this words are a , I am surprised to temporarily don't respond, and Su three, the close Wei of wild wolf and Fan etc. a few Fu orchids for a while then all over alert ground station get up, and the Fu orchid is also a face to dare not believe, the hands support on the table of in front.
Once the person of great commander soldier move, four close Wei"Sou"s of Chen Shuo behind of then took out knife to come out all of a sudden, and inside in the corner that guy that has been lowering the head also suddenly raise head, eye inside naked four shoot, the hands put at side pocket in.
But along with stir the vehemence of knife voice and table chair ambulation voice, we behind small the list ambush in of 2, 30 core members of great commander soldiers hurtled out all of a sudden.
Is a burst of and miscellaneous and disorderly step voice again, the pack door outside goes to or so of lead way the person who all jamed both parties, atmosphere strain of imitate a Buddha will up in the air explode a spark.Momentary, everyone's sword stirs a Nu piece ……
New Year arrive and renewed one chapter especially, wish everyone in new year healthy body, all the luck!

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Renew time:2009-6-1122:03:31 chapter word numbers:3705

Although the front door between the packs is falsely a Yan, can't see the concrete circumstance of outside, list this ascends that from the one slice bottom, urgent of breath voice in then can know outside of atmosphere have much nervous, probably needs a person to lose control first, the condition will be greatly disorderly.
"Lay by knife!Call outside of the brothers keep on backing!"Turning point Chen Shuo hair words, he is long however the ground sit on the chair and order after death of humality.
And I also beat an expression of eyes for Fu orchid, the Fu orchid understood, more than 20 individuals who call to ambush after death and in advance go out first, and make the brothers of the great commander soldier of outside also send back respectively of room.
"Badly, originally three uncleses have already known my identity!"After the appearance waiting room and resuming to arrive just, I sound out sex ground to ask a way.
Chen Shuo shakes and says with smile:"I am also just knew lately, still you told mine, is also the time that you made a phone call to me."
I turn to read a to want and then have found, is two bottoms that word exposed me that I say, that is the "cooperation".
I Be not afraid of a sky, eagle back Tong is one knife, also need to have no an advantage to request to cooperate with them to deal with to return in triumph on one's own initiative, reason's returning in triumph is also my irreconcilable enemy for only 1.But call up to return in triumph irreconcilable enemy, the nothing but is a sky, eagle and wildcat, and takes place yesterday now of return in triumph a king who ambuscade the wildcat, harm the wildcat is a matter that tycoon dies, Chen Shuo's naturally can predict me to come from wildcat.But he knows I south area one war performance come out of means, already can 100 divide 100 to affirm me to would be the king of wildcat.
My Song shrugs shoulders, totally unconcerned the ground say:"Three uncles' early knowings are good, I today originally be want to frankly and earnestly talk with you, can't conceal what.Because a silk of today mistakes all very may at hereafter let six have Xin to grasp, it lets we of the cooperation of result in the mistake that can not make up."
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