
http://www.beatsbydr4us.com ayer that kills to g

Bother of, you call and have what use.
"Which have ah, we this is helping you."That male player says that still depending toward that female master is past.
"Go away."That female master sees the player that the form also know that they are to intentionally seek they to bother, pushed away to depend to come over and want to leave there, however a few other players don't pass her and immediately surrounded she.
"Do you want to do what?"That female master sees a form immediately and nervously shout loudly.
"We want to help you ah, conveniently invite you to have a meal."A among those in a few male players connect to smile to return to way.
"Need not."Female master's hands grip method Zhang and draw off step by step and backward.
", Storm elder brother, she doesn't want to have a meal and how do?"Another player intentionally asks a way toward the first player of openings.
"Is stupid, the somebody else wants popular bowel, how do you make the somebody else have a meal."That makes the storm elder brother's player haven't answered, flank another player once connected words.
"Do not know is she to want to use the stammer of top, is still a nether stammer."Stand at the player of the storm elder brother's the left side to designedly looking at that female master to deliberate,
"Certainly is that the top and bottom eat, stupid."That male player that nameds a storm elder brother was also the player that kills to go crazy a rabbit for that female master to by hand knock under just talked of the head of the player.
"To, the top and bottom eat, is still the storm elder brother's gains and losses."A few other players immediately attach after listenning to and get up.
"At under blue storm, don't know that how to call miss."Blue storm(blue storm:The reality calls Li sun, the commonness goes to work one clan, book friend'purple night stars'guest actor)after stopping laughter, put a serious appearance, toward that female master to ask a way.
"Have no interest to know you, you go away quickly, otherwise I am about to call a person."Although that female master loudly call,still keeps connecting to back quite a few to tread and had already closed to the place that I contemplate, while those boys see I have been sitting on the ground didn't realize them as well as come to take care of me, remain recklessly harass that female master, make that female master constantly close to to me.
"You shout and shout!You are to shout to break throat nobody to also can hear!"That makes the guy of blue storm see cultured useless, immediately put again trivial appearance, seeing appearance this is his original appearance.
"You~you~you~Help!"That female master after connecting spoke three your words finally still loudly yelled, however on all sides although zero zero spread a few players are killing a crazy rabbit, but have no player to come over a help, on the contrary stop to start a medium attack, watch this place of jollification, intention for completely doing not help.
"You go away."That female master sees person on all sides join a crowd for fun a help not, all had a kind of desire to cry to have no tears, but wanted to continue toward me close to of road, again drive an other boys to hold up, now is or so be all surrounded before or after.However their those boys flirts a girl to flirt a girl, how I wait for a long time just break of crazy rabbit to without extra trouble killed ah, the players are again few now, each player is all each a district that had oneself, you don't go to the district of nobody and run me this to rob what.
"Feed, like, stop being excessive."I stood and drank a way to those male players, in addition to flirting a girl to feel dissatisfied to these boys, I also rob my monster to them very dissatisfied.
"The boy has no a matter to do your class, the affair of big Ye you are little to take care of."A among those the player time of the triangle eye stares my one eye and try a way to drink I mind your own business, however this tone also too that, since the childhood in addition to that old man return nobody dare so talk to me.
"Hum, now is that you were vexed to arrive my head to come up."Although say in this game, my real strenght is greatly not equal to reality, and a lot of actions can not do out in the game, by dint of I now extremely high attribute,cheap beats by dre, I completely don't see at present these five male players in the eye, and my magic also resume 7788.
"Mind your own business, otherwise want you good-looking."The blue storm battle wears his/her own persons to threaten me more, however this as to it's its person is probably useful, will rise adverse effect to my.
"Ha ha, that what do I pour and see you to show me?"Say I immediately delivered a set application brigade to that female master.
※ Set brigade
Between player and player can beat together by set brigade strange fight, the first player that builds up a troops, is also the set of the captain of this troops brigade experience, the troops constituting can be divided into squad, medium brigade, big brigade, connect brigade, five kinds of troopses of team, grow the number of troops each time different, fight of experience be added also different.Squad can have 5 players, experience adds into 10%;The medium brigade can have 10 players, experience adds into 20%;The big brigade can have 20 players, experience adds into 30%;Connecting the brigade can have 50 players, experience adds into 50%;The team can have 100 players, experience adds into 80%
Set brigade experience assigns:Carry on an average allotment according to havings the troops' member of the certain district in the neighborhood of monster death ground, the squad is in 100 meters inside, in the brigade is 200 meters,Beats By Dre In Ear, the big brigade is 300 meters, connect brigade 500 meters, 1000 meters of team distance.And the in bar of deluxe player takes the low class player quickly gets stripe in the deluxe monster area, although is unlimited to make the grade margin of all brigade members, the low class player plays low the player grade of killing the monster 20 classes of, will can not acquire allotment experience, but occupy to assign experience quota, is also after saying to kill monster, the low class' player equally acquires allotment right, but cans not gets experience.
※ The PK fights
Between player and player of the combat make the PK fight, the PK fights a cent list player to list player, list player to many players, many players to many players, list player to the troops, troops is to various formations like troops,etcs.Take fight on one's own initiative of a square is lord war square, another one square in order to be fought a square, on one's own initiative take fight not necessarily is to start an attack first, as long as is the one party that starts first to fight intention to all be regarded as lord war square.Lord war square before combat if start an attack first, then attackstone the other party player upward and result in injury, lord war square at kill 1 be fought square player after, will be recorded homicidal be worth at 1:00;If be fought a square to start an attack first, so lord war square player's killing 1 be fought square player after, records 0.5 kill people value.But be fought after the lord fights a square to start attack first, the square kills a main main war square player, then don't record kill people to be worth, if be fought a square to start the words of attack first, be fought a square to kill a main war square player, equally want to record 0.5 kill people value.
Kill people value attain 10:00, oneself's name meeting with falsely the form of elephant appear in the top of head, and is incorrect character;Kill people value attain 20:00, the name of top of head will redden a color, kill people value attain 50:00, the name is a scarlet, kill people value above 200, name is black.Any kills people a value at 20 above players and get into a whichever system city all will drive armed escort attack in the city of the city, and die to bring to life future reunion be delivered to prison building in the city, according to killing people a value of how much sit how much the jail in hour.Killing people the value can pass to kill monster and monster BOSS to lower.
※ Die
When the life of player is worth for 0:00, the player in order to die status, will lose to body of right of control, unless have a player as to it's use to bring to life Shu or oneself own the ability of bringing to life,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com.The player stopped over for ten minutes at first together, then was delivered to dark space to wait for resurrection and waited for time as an hour along with the corpse after dying, player's logging out to wait for time would also correspond to stop and waited player to be online to succeed a continuous calculation.The player canned also don't just choose to die at first and stop over for ten minutes, but choose to immediately go to dark space to wait for resurrection.Time is after ending will at respectively of the occupation city bring to life, the deluxe player is after arriving a city and also probably do a record in the resurrection station of city, so need not incumbency industry the city brought to life.
Die a punishment:Player is after dying, in addition to drive other player resurrections and oneself own the ability of bringing to life of, other players will be imposed grade-1, experience returns at present zero of punishment, also random explode to fall according to the blessing good luck of the player value at the same time body up of equip or keep Related articles:

