
dr dre beats pounding Murd

 The literary reference that chapter 13 demon fights
Is willing to give up, don't give up where have?But Fan Jian Qiao wears this little daughter-in-law's son to allow a gentleman to taste a happiness, is not likely to change body Liu Xia Hui, heart deep place early F is that the one is very hot.If want to by this time let go, Fan Jian will despise himself/herself and eat and then eat, ascend the dining table still speak what polite.
So gradually the two people Can synthesizes a person.
Although there is water livinging a cluster of tree to hide to across, the nature beauty of lakes and mountains is much bright and beautiful, the warm and affectionate prospects of there little two people always copies the eyes that the Chuo Chuo falls into the Ya wreaths inside.The Ya wreaths are very intelligent, respectively move taste to open, the low body having turns over fillet and have of once carried on the back a body to pretend to check a young lady makeup box, have of hard put a processing, have to lowly body, lightly call 1, pretend to be pitiful my daughter whom the feet twisted to living.
Fan Si Zhe is greatly chewing, has never noticed by the lake to have demon to fight, if if at this time just the stroll eliminate a food by the side of the forest and seemed don't also see a this place.But those Ya wreath of so have never connected to cough several affair occurrences that greatly catch a cold to turn by obstructing this kind of, whole is rely on Fan Jian these day insides of fill a duck policy.
-If want to strive for national affairs, will go wager to the eunuch headman, if want to strive for family affairs, will to these personal Ya wreaths wagers in the line, Fan Jian deeply understands truth among them, so these days of insides separate to temporarily and then beat to appreciate, battle's wearing Lao Tze is a department vice minister, battle wear Dan lake the bookstore be constantly and constantly getting silver, he makes moves biggest square, the Ya wreaths rejoice very much, it is this side to have already been partial to scales in the future Gu Ye.
Don't realize mistake how long, two people of by the lake finally the dyspnea ground separate and pant noisily of, the hair is tiny disorderly, have a liking for to pour distress for several cents, it is warm and affectionate to be different from, pour be like beat a .
Lin Wan Er stretched hand Le Le hair.Remaining only glimpses far Ya wreaths, guess should no one see.But still keep disgracing angered your work.Ruthlessly stared Fan Jian Yi's eye, wished this in broad daylight of, is also too absurd some, but lips up seem to be still to remain just some little very sweet flavor at this time, let the young girl every family at heart one flurried and sweet intertexture.
"Is afraid of?It are like this uneasiness to have never also seen at the mid-night in normal times you."The voice of Fan Jian Xiao teases in her ear, finger Shi Chu's"trick" flipped her lower ear lobe of white lustrous United States.
The Wan son is again a to lightly shout, cannot help but any further.Start to put a small fist, dynasty he chest Bo up keep on pounding.
"Murder close man."This is the previous incarnation Fan Jian and crew member has already got fed up with opening of fun, but toward oneself in this by the lake end just marriage wife say, entirely different taste.
The Wan son"full of vigor" one mouthful bit to come up, Fan Jian's wrist was one pain, strong endure don't yell exit, the wry smile says:"Is not a demon to fight again, how malicious become so."
The demon fights this Dian to come from Red Chamber Dream 73th times, the silly elder sister is in the great view park Jian perfume satchel, up embroider a rightness of naked men and women to mutually embrace dish to sit.This silly elder sister doesn't know to is a pornography painting, but thinks is a demon is fighting.Afterwards with handed over to the Xing the madam.Just have copy to check a great view park afterwards of the drama.
Originally celebrating a park should have no who know this literary reference.But some day Lin Wan Er hear that the he or she Lang gentleman opened bookstore in the house and declared that the rock records all and originally,dr dre beats.So early force Fan Jian behind ten returns "copy"ed to come out, on listenning to these four words today, right away abashed get red in the face, a bit depressed and not talking much say:"Be me what person?"
Fan Jian smiles happily to say:"Certainly is a good person, people of the past once said, the demon fought, what to beat is a kind of perfect to beautiful of, much less we have first just that the demon fights."
"Pei!Don't know where come of slanting heterodox in the door, also needs to borrow the leave the people of the past's.Did "Lin Wan Er bursts once the Chi smile, " said what differentiation the demon fights and fights to have again?"
"Fight nature is see it, foot Dao it, the body each one can be used of the parts must use up.This fights, certainly ……is what moves a mouth."
The inside of a free mind Fan that is satisfied, in response to the way:"That dying your body is getting bester."
Being in love while going to summer resorting to go to summer resort in the Chuang is medium of men and women of the body place good lake green mountain, idle away time most easily, a wink of effort, unexpectedly was a noon.Don't know a quilt Fan if if what means stay fore the Chuang beat old mamas that the horse mourns to finally remember proper business son, the fart Dian fart Dian front of the ground rushed through to come over, smiled happily to Fan Jian and thought many advantages that got Fan Jia in the bureau to the card.
But Fan Jian still the lo wear them with a revolting feeling, because these old mama first, , oneself is anyway any further can not a close body's fragrance, rising to sits must hold a gift and far and far across with Wan son.
Noon take meal, nature not ability from wear Fan Jian near roast a fish paste lane past, a group of people vastly and mightily returns to country villa inside, chose one elegant yard, from have the person prepares to eat courageously, is taking tea a chitchat, listen to the afar spread a burst of car voice.Fan Jian and Lin Wan Ers smile a station to rise at the same time, seem to be all to know come of is who, but 2 people discover that the other party also stood and cannoted help but hoping one eye with each other, very surprised.
The future is a guest, all of the future is a guest, just but is what 2 Fan Jian and Lin Wan Ers separately please, at first each other really don't know, so after looking at two persons of wagons downing, Fan Jian and Wan sons are all a bit shocked, the Wan son was many in shocked remaining some nervous and grief, Fan Jian was many in shocked remaining some strain ……and headache.
Lin Wan Er pleases come of is leaf to work properly son, she knows a little bit ex- sky of 2 people are in the imperial house don't hospital outside of that fights, so lend a picnicky opportunity intentionally today, want to make the leaf work properly son to get in touch with more contact with Fan Jian and clear each other here of hostility, also etc. if want to do a peace-maker of Yan Yan of disease.Fan Jian understands the meaning of Wan son naturally and smiled to face up, arch hand 1:"Once saw Ms. leaf."
Leaf after working properly son after that day although the nose head is aching to seem to be still at, but have no the half silk wriggle to make Tai, unexpectedly is an embrace a boxing to do Xia female form:"Once saw childe Fan, childe Fan's artistic skill get, the kid sister admires."
Fan Jian ha ha on smiling, but the in the mind is some strange fellings, dark way is this to prepare to clap a thou to pack a slice in the ancient times?"
Fan Si Zhe looking at a leaf to work properly son to get down from the wagon, shape say "hello" with elder brother, depressed voice to if the Fang says:"Elder sister, I saw understand, the future elder brother's wife wanted to be peace-maker."Fan if if H'm a , the full face smile to prepare to come forward to see a gift and didn't expect heard Fan Si Zhe's next Gua, is not lived a step by.Listens to Fan Si Zhe the Yin Yin saying:"Only afraid does the elder brother's wife open the door to receive visitors, but want to face a younger sister for oneself."
If Fan if Cui one mouthful, layer after layer on the Fan Si Zhe's forehead knock for a while, the low voice scolds a way:"And don't say that how the elder brother's idea is, even if he wants to marry, as Ms. leaf, may do small?"In her in the mind, the elder brother marries who all doesn't matter, as long as he likes to be then good, this pours is as just about as Fan Jian's expectation to her.
What another wagon top and bottom comes is a big fatty, just slightly some flurried under the supporting of servant Fu of beat to hope everywhere.Fan Jian Yi look in the eyes past, signal hint if if work properly a leaf the son take to take a rest, the skill lightly pulled the gusset of Wan son.
Lin Wan Er looking at that big fatty and cannot helps but putting the hand to the lips a side to cover, but still has a very and lowly and lightly shout, turn head again to hope toward leisure Fan, full in the eye is appreciate.
"Go to."Fan Jian encourages her with the gentle and soft smile, two people there walked toward the wagon past.The big fatty sees Fan Jian and originally had some frightened facial expressions to become wreathed in smiles right away, originally some spacious eyebrow the distance be immediately pulled longer, moved several steps before going toward, pulled Fan Jian's hand to shout a way:"Being small carefree is you."
"Big treasure, not is say to prohibit to shout so me so much?"Fan Jian Ku wears a face to say.
Lin Wan Er originally some tiny sorrow, wished oneself, the the silly elder brother who has never seen several side to seem to forget he or she, but heard a big treasure a form of address Fan Jian, still keep cannot helping but smiling, asked a way:"Is small carefree?"
Helpless location in Fan Jian nod.
"Thank you."Lin Wan Er is touched ground of to hope Fan Jian, " you know I am inconvenient to see his."
"Know."Fan Jian smiled to smile and turned round to clap big treasure high big shoulders, " big treasure, have no polo to see today, however still is different from of divertive."
Under the hillside, this yard's the hall is below the hills a , can far and far hope to see that Wang green jade lake, the big treasure took out to take out a nose and shook:"Is small carefree, this water is green, not blue."
Fan Jian sighs a tone way:"Because this water isn't enough deep."
"That we see have much deep."
Fan Jian dozen of wishful thinking is a son to pull a big treasure now, one is in case the big Jiu son suppresses in the home every day Be getting more panic, second, can hand over to Fan Si Zhe to take to play, all anyway is two kid's sons, where know that Fan Si Zhe has a kind of sensitive of inborn to the affair suffering a los to, on seeing come one big fool, early hide from a distance.Fan Jian is helplessly trailed a hand by the big treasure, have to to below the hills walk, wish this lunch to probably also steep soup
The silly Gu Ye is about to come out the time of doorway with silly Jiu Ye, the big treasure suddenly turns head and looking at Lin Wan Er very in earnest:"Younger sister, why don't you keep up with?"
Lin Wan Er is one Zheng first, close behind but is in the heart a sour, don't originally and never once see the silly elder brother of several side still remember his/her own such a younger sister.She hurry frailty frailty ground should voice, walk to up have another hand to lead long a big treasure.
At night, spread the voice that the slightest mahjong card falls to the ground in distance attic, the bodyguards gather in one to drink, the business is at leisure, world peace, all relaxed a vigilance.The Ya wreaths have fun in the daytime Be getting more tired, and then drank several Zhong rice wines, from sleep.As for the bedding and clothing waits on of those lord the sons, is also early have already descended drapery Anne tomb.Occasionally, in Lin Pan Tang ring out a frog voice repeatedly, there is accidentally a fish visiting the voice of breaking water for night in the lake, more Chen get the Royal go to summer resort inside one in Chuang quite.
Lean against the most strange place of lake, there is a tent being hiding moonlight silently hiding in the forest, accept blowing of the lake noodles night breeze to kiss.Tent while being exactly an unmanned midnight whisper in the little two people is doing for an occasion to say a whisper.
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