
dr dre beats oudly drink a wayT

Chapter 799 Fan Yang's war(two)
Indeed as expected, very quickly a more huge battalion appears at the Wei postpone of in the visual field, and after seeing this Cao a Wei battalion, the Wei postpones is also cannot helped but pouring to absorb an one mouthful air conditioner, cover a lot too big because of at present this troops' scale!The Wei postpones to scan widely to hope to go, closely of soldier along officer's way had been extending till the horizon!Secretly estimated for a while, this battalion fully had many 100,000 people!
"Hum!100,000 battalions!See to Cao the thief return be really bottom foot effort!"Wei's postponing after all isn't a person usually, after brief surprise after, the Wei postpone but is cold cold on smiling, or so took a look the officers and mens, say with smile:"The brotherses!We can kill this time happy!Can you be frightened?"
There is no a personal answer Wei postponing of words, can the Wei postpone but got answer from their eyes, the Wei postponed once the Hey Hey smile, double within hand pole once the knife flick, back at after death, toward ascent bottom officer Cao Wei's battalion on the way hope.At this time, the Cao Wei's battalion has already walked to be close to 1/3, non-commissioned officer looking at that closely, the Wei postpone but is a high beginning, drink a way:"Light fire!Is blunt!"
Because the Wei postpones this to bawl at, those 5,000 emit blade to lightly ride officers and men to give° the torch in the hand to spark in succession, directly would be into once the front throw, those torches fall on the ground of hillside and illuminate anterior road for the officers and mens, but lead in what Wei postponed under, the officers and mens in succession the Zong rise to fight a horse, toward under the hillside of the enemy hurtle!
"The enemy inherits!The enemy inherits!"The action that is thus big, Cao Wei the battalion nature can't didn't discover, along with those hallooing of the Cao Wei's officers and men voices, more and more of the Cao non-commissioned officer soldier of Wei turn a head to hope to the enemy who bursts upon of hillside.Obviously, this enemy who burst upon, make majority of Cao Wei's officers and mens be rattled, especially see emit blade lightly ride the vehemence of crary impact, many people are all frightenned silly, don't know how to reply.
"Mix Zhang!Array!Give Lao Tze the array!"A bawl at a voice to ring out, sees the Wei's great commander hand of a Cao hold long-handled sword to loudly bawl at, however when he discovers to ownly bawl at a voice and have no effect behind,dr dre beats, then be no longer only shouted by mouth.Riseses knife to fall, connected to chop down flank two at become speechless of the soldier's cut-off head, that great commander Nu drinks a way:"All his Niang listens to Lao Tze's order array!Otherwise, these are your ends!"This great commander isn't other people, exactly a sons Cao Hong in Cao house, also receive this time the Cao holds of life, raid the war of You state will it a.
Cao Hong this kills chicken Jing all alone the monkey still really has a function, those Cao Wei's soldier see Cao Hong really start homicide, is all unbearable to beat one cold Zhan, meet the enemy according to the order array of Cao Hong in succession.Only just start array now, but was some nights, didn't°yet wait appearance row good, the Wei postpones to would be to take the lead to hurtle to Cao Wei among the soldier, Hey ah a , double pole the knife in the sky rowed a turn and turned an eye to would be to postpone the Wei circumferential of more than ten heads of the Cao Wei's officers and mens to pared down!And the Wei postpone to take the lead, 5,000 emit blade lightly and ride also is in the soldier that followed to hurtle into the Cao Wei's battalion, started crary massacre!
"Is damned!"See the very not easy town of oneself lives of morale of troops, drive enemy so a blunt, and then have the evidence of critical breakup, the double of the Cao Hong eyes Nu Zheng, directly would be to seek last enemy's soldier of will get a Wei to postpone, simultaneously flick knife downfall, part the Nu drink a way:"Thief person!Eat Lao Tze's one knife!"
The Cao Hong is also regarded as a very good talented person in sons in the Cao house, the skill knife method once got Gao Ren more to point out and had already also been regarded as stand!Unfortunately, Cao Hong the opponent faced by this, but is more than 20 year agos is already the top-class superior's Wei to postpone!The Wei postpones to see Cao Hong, this knife to fall down, that double of pour triangle eye's signing a horse is a flash across a contempt of cold light, close behind, sees the Wei postpone once the wrist turn, that pole knife suddenly seems to change magically in his hand a long whip, curvingly took out toward the wrist of Cao Hong pass by!
The Wei postpones this to recruit just as usually bring into relief uncanny, Cao Hong insurance it again nearly ground the hand is from the double very the edge of knife bottom of the knife took out out, even the Cao Hong can also clearly feel that Yin on the edge of knife cold!In the heart a surprised, the Cao Hong stares big eyes looking at a Wei to postpone, he ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of that Wei's postponing unexpectedly is a such superior!Although the Cao Hong excites,is not a simpleton and know perfectly well oneself enemy not, the Cao Hong can't expect Ba Di to pay with the life and sign a horse to would be to turn Ma Tou, run so!
"Hum!Have no Dan thieves!"See Cao Hong unexpectedly run so, Wei's postponing doesn't chase as well, but cold hum 1, direct to emit blade to lightly ride to turn Ma Tou, face the enemy of south, continue to launch impact.And Cao Hong this runs and also equally influenced the morale of the Cao Wei's battalion and even ran the generals of oneself this place, that can also hope these officers and mens how strive to kill an enemy?
"Kill-!"Drop after turning a direction, the Wei postpones emit blade to lightly ride of arrowhead, double within hand pole knife such as strong breeze shower sort toward blocking at he front of the enemy stabbed in the past, was simply postponed by the Wei to kill a blood road!And emit blade to lightly ride to lead in what Wei postponed under, fully sprinted to have about 700 of distance, dead the enemy in their under charge non-commissioned officer soldier, also have many 231000 people at least!
"Rascal Anne dare be such!"Is a to suddenly and violently drink suddenly from the behind ring out, the Wei after postponing a knife cut to kill a Cao Wei soldier twists once the head see, sees from emit blade to lightly ride of the behind suddenly killed a will, simultaneously bellow, part toward this place the Zong horse killed to come over, and shoulded postpone the Wei is also recognize, similarly in those early years the letter entrance to valley fought of acquaintance, Cao Wei the great commander text was ugly!
The Wei postpones corner of mouth one Pie, although he is some to despise a text ugly, however also know this text ugly isn't previous that Cao Hong to compare of, if wait the soldier that he killed in to emit blade to lightly ride in, own of the subordinates can make not to live him.Right away the Wei postponed to would be to stop bridle, to after death of the officers and mens drink a way:"You pound at forward again 500, then kill back!I go to a meeting meeting that fellow!"Finish saying, the Wei postpones to would be once the legs clip, the Zong horse faces a text ugly killed to pass by!
Those officers and mens natures that emit blade to lightly ride can't disobey the orders that the Wei postpones, besides in their hearts, Wei's postponing is also a fantastic superior, naturally impossible enemy however that Wei will of, so although had no Wei to postpone to take the lead, they still the Zong horse continue to kill toward the front.
But the Wei postponed to once round to emit blade to lightly ride of impact type, but is at the right moment horizontal Cha for a while, block at text ugly in front, loudly drink a way:"The text is ugly!Still recognize does my Wei postpone to deny?"
"Does the Wei postpone?"Text ugly heart in a surprised, at that moment didn't dare as well to hurtle before continuing into, made an effort one Lei bridle, tightly wrinkly eyebrows, the dead hopeless situation stares at before fixing attention on this to have some familiar figures.In those early years one war in the letter entrance to valley, the Wei postponed the scene of fighting Sun Ce, the text was ugly to also is to come clearly to view, although the text was ugly don't think that oneself would postpone than the Wei bad, also know that Wei's postponing absolutely is an opponent that can not regard it idly as of no importance.Right away the text is ugly to would be to bring up a long gun, put to meet the enemy of power, toward a Wei to postpone to drink a way:"The Wei postpones!I know that you are also a good brave fellow!At present I the Cao Wei's battalion distinctly go up north!Only You state, definitely having no may block live!With you it is just unexpectedly still needed to be to Zhao Yun under, why not surrender to Cao under the male debt, maintaining your whole body artistic talent can heartily develop!"Text ugly plain soldier, can say so some kind of text Zhou craped words, pour to also return is really difficult is him.
"Ha ha ha ha!"Listen to the text ugly invite, the Wei postpones but is to look up at sky on smiling, the double pole knife in the hand toward text ugly 1, drink a way:"Like a man, but is going to learn those sour scholars to move mouth skin son!Hum!Say so many useless talks make very!Come!We still the subordinate see a true chapter!"Finish saying, the Wei postpones to lift a double a pole knife, would be Zong horse toward the ugly text kill pass by!
Be postponed so on saying by the Wei, text ugly old face is also not from get a red, even have some to become angry from embarrassment, looking at blunt come over of the Wei postpone, the text is ugly cold to hum 1, and lifting the gun is to postpone to stab to pass by toward the Wei!And the Wei postpone of double the pole knife also chopped down to come over at the same time, one knife one gun at the right moment bumped into together, sent out one huge ring, shake around of all of officers and mens is subconsciouses ground the Wu lived ear!
And huge rebound dint, is also let 2 people's weapon play toward the opposite side at the same time past.But this plays, the Wei postpones but is a canthus flash across one silk cold light, double within hand once the pole knife flick, but is is inclined the knife blade of another head of toward the ugly text chop down pass by!The double pole knife is two blades that all have Feng, a head of was played to open, but the another head of can make up deficiencies in time.Compare under, the text is ugly of long gun can have no this advantage, face the attack that the Wei postpones, the text was ugly can be the whole individual as well to once the horseback rush toward, insurance insurance the ground stayed away this knife.
Although the text is ugly to once hide this to recruit,the Wei postpones doesn't intend to pass him, the hands grasp center of pole knives and make an effort a to turn, that pole knife quickly revolves, is be like a long whip general, mowed to pass by toward ugly that text that lies prone on the horseback!
The text was ugly to raise head and look, also a surprised a cold sweat!The Wei postpones a thus uncanny knife method, at the beginning ugly in preceding paragraphs in the letter entrance to valley is also once experience!One war in the letter entrance to valley in those early years, if say to make the text ugly to be impressed with of, undoubtedly are the knife method that Xu Chu's strange dint and Wei postpones!The Wei postpones to probably talk about strength and speed, can not be regarded as very strong of, can his this hand uncanny knife method, but is let the public bottom deeply wear ice-cold!Face a Wei and postpone this knife, the text is ugly don't dare hard answer, right away and hurriedly was ordering about and sitting and ride, connecting to hereafter back three, at the right moment once hid a Wei to postpone the attack of this knife!Is close behind, the text is ugly full face stunnedly looking at an at present Wei to postpone and more accurately say, is staring at a Wei to postpone the knife in the hand!
At the moment a head of knife of that double pole knife blade just deeply the Qian entered a ground, can hardly believe, that pole knife thus frivolous knife blade, can leave so deep a Hong ditch on the ground!Want this knife just if fell on oneself, that meeting is what kind a result, the text was ugly not from must beat one one cold Zhan!
However the text is ugly to isn't a Cao Hong, the time under the debt of Yuan Shao in those early years, the text was ugly and then experienced consumedly small fraction 100 combats, will afraid of death?Especially there is still 1 kind in the text ugly body maliciously put together a strength, even if being an opponent is again strong, the text is ugly can not allow oneself to hurt so as well to the other party!Right away, listen to text ugly roars a , the spirit strength on the body is again to strengthen a lot, in the hand of grow a gun to change magically in the text ugly in front numerous gun shadow, simply postpone toward the Wei of before the chest, noodles door the etc. vital part stabbed pass by!
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