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. Ge Feng said : as for subtle clubs what ,you to our monitor ask where to go ,I report it . , relationresultThen heShi Shi but returned to the classroom ,cnn.relationresultLeftface powder have a fever of Xue Fu Lun Na stood on the spot .
relationresultThis isthe lunch break ,the corridor from the students are curious to look at her ,the girls looked at her embarrassment whisper to one another ,the boys lost in her stunning beauty .
relationresultIfthere is a gap ,she would not hesitate to get in .relationresultWithin a week,she was the boy refused two times ,nothing is more humiliating experience .relationresultJust .
.. He just asked me ,is it right? Like him, what does it mean? If I answer like ,what will happen to him? But ,google... Yes, I am. Like him ?... Xue Fu .Helena again into a new thinking .
relationresultEach time shesaw the boy again ,will give more of my confusion .relationresultThe 378th chapter church Yama Yamahana , relationresultShe . Lie at the window watching Ozawa Junichi and park and watched the Xue Fu .
Helena graceful walk away ,both coincidentally wiped his mouth ,son .relationresultGe Feng ,what did she want from you ? Go back to your seat ,Ozawa and park the hengha two will and can to go back and asked .
relationresultNo matter what . Ge Feng noticed around the male students are pricked up his ears listening ,thought beauty lethality is really be not of the common sort ,he said : light my and her unfamiliar .
, relationresultDo you know who she is ? Ozawa Chun one eyes light .relationresultI donknow. What ?I want to know about her ? Ge Feng opened the western legal history ,prepare to study .
relationresultThe law school boys ,who don know her ? Pu Taiji said : the tone exaggeration Xue Fu .Helena ah ,she is not only the school of law of the first beautiful ,but also the church Yamamoto of campus Belle ,heard that she was born in a European noble family ,her father was Duke ,and embassy embassy .
Do not know how many young people want to get her, but so far ,she has not seemed like who . , relationresultThe Duke?Ge Feng thought :no wonder who has a weak and noble temperament ,but not sexy ,girl ,also be thousands of love collection in a body .
relationresultBut ,a bit strange , Mr Ozawa Chun a frowned : never heard of her active find none of the boys ,but today she has come to ge Feng ,but also nothing ,this is not so strange ? , relationresultDo you love her ? Ge Feng eyes asked .
relationresultOf course ,which has the man doesn her ? Ozawa Chun a swallowed his saliva ,Japanese men to where all can not change color .relationresultThen you go . Ge Feng underground head to be absent-minded ,he said .
relationresultBut ... I am the Yellow man . Ozawa Junichi mumbled .relationresultJapaneseto his race self-confidence is only confined to Asia ,to the western world ,in the presence of the white is no pride .
relationresultYellow how ? Ge Feng first exhibition Hanmang ,said coldly : because of you this pair of racial inferiority pustule-like ,the Americans will bully you all day .Besides ,who the * * * YELLOW cannot bubble European Duke ? , relationresultOzawa Junichi andPu Taiji lamely turned away ,they dare not offend Americans ,not to provoke even the Americans dare not offend Ge feng .
relationresultPu Taiji isout of an idea: if all Chinese people like Ge Feng, the Japanese invasion of China ,where dare .relationresultHi ,Yellow , and Ge Feng live in the same dormitory hold about and give oneself airs the Leder came round ,he is the first grade class generation ,what we call monitor .
relationresultWhatGe Feng said softly .relationresultto participate in any societies ? Leder stood in front of the desk ,look down from a height to show disdain for GE feng .relationresultBut Ihave no time now .
Ge Feng did not want to ignore him ,in addition to reading ,most of his energies are in the basketball ,to other community activities are not interested in .relationresultIdiot ,you think this is China ?Community activities as graduation integral ,no club records ,you graduate .
Leder laughed at said ,thought the Chinese guy really corny .relationresultGeFeng shook his fist at the moment ,he only thought is the fist is essential on the guy ,but he refrained ,here is the classroom ,he did not want to publicly display violence ,after all ,here he is ,part represents the Chinese image .
relationresultThe dormitorythe eyes in the head guy ,he sooner or later learned ,let them know ,Chinese is not so easy .relationresultBut hemust wait for an opportunity, but also can give them, not to let him back to action ,he can .
relationresultWell ,not a newspaper, on the basketball club . Ge Feng asked .relationresultHe saidthe basketball club is the school amateur basketball clubs, not north card professional basketball team .
relationresultCan you play basketball ?Basketball is an American pride ,not your these Asians can just come in ,you or the other . Leder said in a gruff voice .relationresultGeFeng stared at him, if this guy what arrogant speech ,Ge Feng, ready to teach him a lesson .
relationresultFrom the other side ofeyes feel a magnetic chills ,forcible-feeble Leder shrinkage neck ,his eyes flashing, stoically said : your martial arts club ,this is your Chinese organizations ,do it for you .
, relationresultGeFeng ignores him ,bowed his head to read a book .relationresultLederand call five to drink six to push Ozawa Junichi and park and daily activities, park and quoted is the Taekwondo Club ,Ozawa called the karate club .
relationresultGeFeng to Americans the penetration into the blind feel very angry ,he felt ,although Japanese narrow conceited ,but Americans more unbearable .relationresultAfter all,except the Japanese right-wing extremists ,the majority of ordinary people is very humble ,but ordinary Americans so despise other people ,even upper-class Americans ?relationresultThislets Ge Feng increasingly felt ,he must let the Americans have a look ,Asians can in their proud basketball field, obtained remarkable achievement .
relationresultHewould let the north card for his trembling .relationresultThe 379th chapter is the same training , relationresultNew playersinto the team after two weeks ,Roy meticulous observation of each individual feature ,and then assistant coach together, their most basic training .
relationresultThe United Statesbasketball is prosperous ,besides the excellent basketball tradition and the player ,scientific and systematic training is a great tribute to .relationresultEspecially theuniversity basketball ,for Americans, NBA just occupation game ,NCAA performance is the most pure basketball ,like North Carolina such noble ,higher requirements for training .
relationresultGeFeng so far with four coaches ,coach Zhu primary school when the teacher took him into the field of basketball ,let him feel basketball charm; high school coach Guan Yu to teach him to learn how to play with his teammates ,Facebook,occupation League ;Shi Qing game coach Zhuang Mengdie made him feel the strange tactics and psychological quality in competition of the great role, while the father Roy Williams ,but made him truly understand ,what is the real basic training .
relationresultJust twoweeks ,he had seen 12 new players characteristics, then according to their characteristics ,each person has designed a set of special training methods .relationresultSuch
as playingthe center position of the Durham Armstrong ,he is a standard blue-collar player ,good rebounding and defense, disadvantage of upper limb strength is insufficient, and the clamping Related articles:

